What is the purpose of your blog?
To share my experiences as a US expat living in Uruguay. More importantly, I want to provide useful information to residents regarding daily life in the capital city of Montevideo.
Do you review restaurants?
Yes. I will be reviewing local restaurants as a service to my readers.
Will you tell me the best places to shop in Montevideo?
I will indeed! This is a subject near and dear to my heart and I feel obligated to share my shopping tips for those who are new to the city.
Are you a directory?
No. Do we really need another boring directory? I will, however, include pages and blogs with necessary newcomer contact information (local businesses, healthcare providers, utilities, internet/cable providers, and the like.)
What blogging platform do you use?
I use Blogger and the Minima template.
Do you accept paid ads for local businesses?
I probably will at some point. I would like this blog to be the "go to" location for concise, helpful information on enjoying life in Montevideo. I would like to introduce businesses to an untapped audience.
Can you tell me about your photography?
I am expanding my portfolio and plan to exhibit and make my photos available for purchase in the near future. My work focuses primarily on architectural elements and common items seen in a fresh and personal light. It's fun, kind of irreverent, familiar and edgy at the same time! How's that for a description?
Will you consider and use unsolicited reviews and comments about businesses in Montevideo?
By all means! Leave a comment and I take it into consideration. If I use the information, I will give credit where credit is due.
Do you promote events, businesses or restaurants if you receive a press release from a publicist?
Do you provide any other services?
I am also a freelance writer tackling everything from website content to travel articles. Check out the "Services" tab for details on this and our translation "tweaking" assistance.