Are you pleased with the Spanish to English translation of your message, but still think it lacks the "edge" that will appeal to your English-speaking North American audience? Not to worry! We hone the rough edges and polish your words into an impactful, succinct message -- one that speaks to your clients like never before! All without giving up the unique content and feel of your original communication. Let us provide the finishing touches to your content. It's like the icing on the cake with a cherry on top!

My goal is providing you with low cost, high quality writing (including, but not limited to: website content, advertising copy, essays, newsletters, B2B collateral, catalog copywriting, rewriting projects) and proofreading. To view my writing, go to eHow and Livestrong.com. In the "Search" box, simply type in 'Linda Chechar' for a list of links to my latest articles!

Funky, insightful images suitable for framing.
Coming soon: gallery of works